School Choice for all Families

Advocating for high-quality, educational freedom in Wisconsin.

School Choice Wisconsin Action

School Choice Wisconsin Action is a 501(c)(4) member organization that advocates for educational freedom in Wisconsin and provides information to members and others. We strive to empower families by advocating for quality educational options regardless of zip code or income. We believe it is a parent’s right to choose the best educational environment for their child.

Every child deserves educational freedom to best succeed

About Parent Choice in Wisconsin

The demand for quality educational options nationwide is on the rise, as is public opinion supporting school choice. In Wisconsin, we are proud to have the oldest school choice program in the country, championed in the 1990s by bipartisan legislators and education leaders who believed low-income students should be able to attend private schools using a taxpayer funded “voucher”.

Today, over 50,000 students across Wisconsin are enrolled in one of four existing, taxpayer-funded parental choice programs. Our schools get results, including higher test scores and better DPI Report Card grades. Wisconsin families want more education options. But current programs will not survive, thrive and expand unless we address major threats.

To address the challenges facing our schools and families head-on, School Choice Wisconsin Action has developed a robust policy and budget agenda and has staff dedicated to advancing our goals. The Outreach Team is hard at work mobilizing schools, families and advocates to make sure our elected officials know that school choice is a valued educational option in communities across Wisconsin and we need their support!

Our Goals

Close the Funding Gap

Eliminate the Property Tax Impact

End Barriers to Entry

Urge your elected officials to support educational choice for all of Wisconsin’s children.